Zuzanna Jagiełło


I graduated from Wrocław University of Life Sciences with a BSc in Biology in 2011. After my BSc, I completed an internship at the University of Ogongo in Namibia, Africa on the diet of springboks and sunbirds during dry season. I obtained a Master’s degree in Biology at the Poznań University of Life Sciences (2014-2016), where I defend a Masters thesis entitled “Anthropogenic elements in White Stork Ciconia ciconia nest”, under supervision of dr Marcin Tobółka, in the Institute of Zoology, Poznan University of Life Science, Poland. I completed my PhD at the Institute of Zoology, Poznan University of Life Science, Poland in collaboration with Complutense University of Madrid, Spain in June 2023. My research focused on the influence of anthropogenic nest materials on the breeding ecology of birds. During my PhD I carried out three research stays at Complutense University in Madrid and one at CSIRO, Tasmania (Australia) connected to plastic nest incorporation by birds and plastic ingestion.

As of August 2023, I am a post-doctoral fellow in the Anthropocene Biology Lab, where I am investigating the interactive effects of the urban heat island and climate change on avian breeding biology. I am also very involved with iEcology, and have recently published a study reporting for the first time the geographical and taxonomic extent to which hermit crabs use plastic and other artificial materials instead of natural shells for shelter.

Besides working in science, I love travelling, specially trekking and practicing ashtanga yoga.

Publications: Google Scholar profile available here.