Seminars 2016-2017

Warsaw Seminar Series in Ecology & Evolution

Together with Dr Magdalena Niedziałkowska from the Mammal Research Institute PAS Białowieża, the Wild Urban Evolution & Ecology Lab is organizing a series of seminars in ecology and evolution. The seminars will be held monthly, throughout the academic year. Everyone is welcome!

Speaker Affiliation Date & Time Talk Title
Szymon Drobniak Jagiellonian University, Kraków 19.10.2016 1PM Extra-pair copulations: not so simple after all?
Robert Mysłajek Institute of Genetics, University of Warsaw 09.11.2016 1PM Population genetics & ecology of wolves
Karol Zub Mammal Research Institute PAS, Bialowieża 14.12.2016 1PM Evolutionary adaptation of mammals to a changing world
Arnaud Da Silva  Max Planck Institute, Seewiesen, Germany  11.01.2017 1PM Effects of light pollution on the ecology & evolution of tits
Marion Chatelain Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France 08.02.2017 1PM Urban ecotoxicology, ecology and evolution
Rafał Kowalczyk Mammal Research Institute PAS, Bialowieża 08.03.2017 1PM Why has the European bison survived, while the other large beasts have gone
Michael Griesser Anthropology Dpt, University of Zurich, Switzerland 12.04.2017 1PM Learn for life from your parents: the fitness benefits of social learning
Anna Karnkowska Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw  10.05.2017 1PM Biology’s ‘dark matter’ – eukaryotic microbes
Jarosław Stolarski Institute of Paleobiology PAS, Warsaw 07.06.2017 1PM The origin of coral symbiosis: the skeletal record

We will be meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1PM in CeNT lecture theatre (apart from the 1st talk, which will be on Wednesday the 19th of October). The talks are open to anyone with an interest in the field, and we warmly welcome researchers from other research labs and institutes to join us for the occasion!

Location: Lecture theatre 0142, Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2c, University of Warsaw. After entering CeNT, you will find  the lecture theatre 0142 ~15 meters to the right.

You can also download a PDF poster detailing all seminars, available here.