
All publications are available on Google Scholar.

Most publications are available via Research Gate.

Selected publications from the Lab:

Jagiełło Z, Dylewski Ł & Szulkin M. 2024. The plastic homes of hermit crabs in the Anthropocene. Science of the Total Environment. 168959.

Sudyka J, I Di Lecce, M Szulkin. 2023. Microclimate shifts in nest‐boxes and natural cavities throughout reproduction. Journal of Avian Biology (1-2), e03000

Verrelli BC, Alberti M, […],Szulkin M, […], Ziter C. 2022. A global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Corsini M, Leanza P, Rodewald AD, Sudyka J, Dhondt AA & Szulkin M. 2022. Coping with novelty across an urban mosaic: Provisioning latency increases closer to roads and is associated with species-specific reproductive success in two urban adapters. Science of the Total Environment.

Jagiełło Z, Corsini M, Dylewski Ł, Ibáñez-Álamo JD & Szulkin M. 2022. The extended avian urban phenotype impact of anthropogenic debris pollution on nest design and fitnes. Science of the Total Environment.

Di Lecce I, Sudyka J, Westneat D & Szulkin M. 2022. Preserving avian blood and DNA sampled in the wild: a survey of personal experiences. Ecology & Evolution.

Corsini M., Jagiełło Z., Walesiak M., Redlisiak M., Stadnicki I., Mierzejewska E. & Szulkin M. Breeding in the pandemic: short-term lockdown restrictions do not alter reproductive decisions and avian life-history traits in a European capital city. EcoEvoArxiv.

Sudyka J., Di Lecce I., Wojas L., Rowiński P. & Szulkin M. (submitted). Nest-boxes alter the reproductive ecology of urban cavity-nesters in a species-dependent way. EcoEvoArxiv.

The Global Urban Evolution Project, including: Santangelo JS, Ness RW, Cohan B, Fitzpatrick CR, Innes SG, Koch S, Miles LS, Munim S, Peres-Neto P, Prashad C, Tong AT, […] Szulkin M, […] and MTJ Johnson. 2022. Global urban environmental change drives parallel evolution in a cosmopolitan plant. Science.

Maraci Ö, Corsini M, Antonatou-Papaioannou A, Jünemann S, Sudyka J, Lecce ID, Caspers BA, Szulkin M (in press) Alterations to the Gut Microbiota of a Wild Juvenile Passerine in an Urban Mosaic. Scientific Reports.

Chatelain M., Da Silva A., Celej M., Kurek E., Corsini M. & Szulkin M. (2021). Replicated, Urban-Driven Exposure to Metal Pollutants in Two Passerines. Scientific Reports.

Chatelain M., Massemin S., Zahn S., Kurek E., Bulska E. & Szulkin M. 2021. Urban metal pollution explains variation in reproductive outputs in great tits and blue tits. Science of the Total Environment.

Caizergues AE, Le Luyer, Gregoire A, Szulkin M, Senar JC, Charmanter A & Perrier P. 2021. Epigenetics and the city: Non-parallel DNA methylation modifications across pairs of urban-forest Great tit populations. Evolutionary Applications. 

Culina A. et al. 2021. Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: the SPI‐Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Corsini M., Schoell E.M., Di Lecce,I., Chatelain,M., Dubiec A. & Szulkin M. 2021. Growing in the city: urban evolutionary ecology of avian growth rates. Evolutionary Applications 14:69-84.

Des Roches S., Brans, K.E., Lambert M. R. […], Szulkin M., Urban M.C., Verrelli B.C. & Alberti M. 2020. Socio-Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in Cities. Evolutionary Applications  14:248-267.

Alberti, M., Palcovacs, E., Des Roches, S., De Meester, L. […] Szulkin, M., Munshi-South, J. Urban, M. & Verrelli B. 2020. The complexity of urban eco-evolutionary dynamics. Bioscience 70:772-793.

Szulkin M, Munshi-South J, Charmantier A (eds). 2020. Urban Evolutionary Biology. Oxford, Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198836841.001.0001

  • reviewed in: Blumstein, D. 2020. The respect it deserves: Book review of Szulkin, M. , J. Munshi‐South, and A. Charmantier, eds. 2020. Urban Evolutionary Biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Evolution 74: 2748-2751.

Szulkin M, Munshi-South J, Charmantier A. 2020. Introduction. In: Szulkin M, Munshi-South J, Charmantier A (eds). Urban Evolutionary Biology. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Szulkin M, Garroway CJ, Corsini M, Kotarba AZ, Dominoni D. 2020. How to quantify urbanisation when testing for urban evolution? In: Szulkin M, Munshi-South J, Charmantier A (eds). Urban Evolutionary Biology. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Chatelain M & Szulkin M. 2020. Mammals in urban Environments. In: The Second Edition of the Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology (2nd edition; Editors: Anderson P, Douglas I, Goode D, Houck M, Maddox D, Nagendra H, Yok TP). Routledge. In press.

Chatelain M., Drobniak S. & Szulkin M. 2020. Stress effects on telomere dynamics in non-human vertebrates: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 23:381-398. DOI:10.1111/ele.13426

Corsini M, Marrot P, Szulkin M. 2019. Quantifying human presence in a heterogeneous urban landscape. Behavioral Ecology, In press. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arz128.

Perrier C, Lozana del Campo A., Szulkin M, Demeyrier V, Gregoire A & Charmantier A. 2017. Great tits and the city: distribution of genomic diversity and gene-environment associations along an urbanization gradient. Evolutionary Applications. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12580.

Corsini M, Dubiec A, Marrot P & Szulkin M. 2017. Humans and tits in the city: quantifying the effects of human presence on great tit and blue tit reproduction. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2017.00082.